Oracle Readings

I connect with Oracle Cards everyday as a personal wellbeing tool and love sharing intuitive readings with others.

Oracle Cards support self inquiry and inner reflection. They can help us identify challenges and encourage us to reconnect to our intuition and purpose.

I work closely with the decks photographed below (L-R); Moonology deck by Yasmin Boland, A Yogic Path deck by Sahara Rose, Work your Light deck by Rebecca Campbell and the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans.

oracle cards

If you would like a reading, please click on your preferred choice below which will take you to my PayPal link. Don’t forget to add your name and preferred email address to the note. If you have a preferred deck from those listed above please also include this, otherwise I shall choose you one intuitively.

After completing your reading, I will send you a photo of your cards with a written description by email. This will include some journal prompts if you wish to explore your readings further.


A 1 card reading offers general life guidance £6


A 3 card reading offers guidance & reflection for your Head, Heart & Soul £11


For more in depth readings, or guidance with specific questions, please feel free to get in touch.

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